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Rabbit anti-cyclophilin AtCYP37

Rabbit anti-cyclophilin AtCYP37

产品货号: I02A-1
产品规格: 100 µl
产品价格: 询价
产品品牌: Antiprot
供 应 商:
产品简介: 兔抗拟南芥亲环素(CYP37)多克隆抗体
Antibody name:
 anti-cyclophilin AtCYP37

Product number: I02A-1
Product description: polyclonal antibody; contains 0.01% NaN3
Origin: rabbit
Immunogen: synthetic peptide (a. a. 277 – 290) specific for chloroplast cyclophilin (At3g15520; MIPS) from Arabidopsis
Immunodetection: Western blot (1 : 2.000 for ECL).
Immunocrossreaction: the crossreaction with other species was not analysed
Storage: short term 4°C, long term -20°C. Repeated freezing and thawing is not recommended.
Preimmune serum (product number I02A-PI): can be supplied with anti-cyclophilin AtCYP37
Quantity: 100 µl 

Protein description: Cyclophilin AtCYP37 represents the homologous component of the AtCYP38 (antibody products No.: I01A-1/2), the first complex immunophilin protein identified from higher plants. The AtCYP38 was initially designated as TLP40 (thylakoid lumen protein). It was suggested that AtCYP38 may be involved in the inhibition of the protein phosphatase that dephosphorylates the subunits of the photosystem II. It was shown in vitro that the activation of the phosphatase coincides
with the release of TLP40 into the thylakoid lumen (Fulgosi et al., EMBO J, 17, 1577– 1587; Rokka et al., 2000, Plant Phys., 123, 1525 – 1535). The functions of AtCYP37 and AtCYP38 immunophilins and the functional relationship of these proteins are not studied yet.