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Rabbit anti-protease Slr1821

Rabbit anti-protease Slr1821

产品货号: P02S-1
产品规格: 100 µl
产品价格: 询价
产品品牌: Antiprot
供 应 商:
产品简介: 兔抗蓝藻Slr1821蛋白激酶多克隆抗体
Antibody name: anti-protease Slr1821
Product number: P02S-1
Product description: polyclonal antibody; contains 0.01% NaN3
Origin: rabbit
Immunogen: synthetic peptide (a. a. 216 – 230) specific for protease Slr1821 from Synechocystis sp.
PCC 6803
Immunodetection: Western blot (1 : 2.000 for ECL)
Immunocrossreaction: Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803
Storage: short term 4°C, long term -20°C. Repeated freezing and thawing is not recommended.
Preimmune serum (product number P02S-PI): can be ordered with anti-protease Slr1821 

Protein description: Slr1821 is a transmembrane metallo-protease of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. This protease belongs to SP2-type metallopeptidases, the key player of intramembrane proteolysis. The second homologous component in Synechocystis is encoded bysll0528 gene (corresponding antibody products No.: P01S-1; P01S-2). The protein analysisshowed that Slr1821 protein contains one PDF domain, which is involved in the proteinprotein interactions, while Sll0528 has no PDF domain. These data argues for differentfunctions of Slr1821 and Sll0528 proteases. 
